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Testing and Local Development

The project is using Poetry to manage the local configuation. Install it with:

$ pip install poetry

Then install the project dependencies:

$ cd django-eventlog/
$ poetry install

Run the testsuite in your local environment using::=

$ poetry run tests

Or use tox to test against various Django and Python versions:

$ tox run-parallel --recreate

You can also invoke the test suite or other '' commands by calling the django-admin tool with the test app settings:

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=eventlog.tests.testapp.settings
$ poetry run django-admin
$ poetry run django-admin makemigrations --dry-run

You can also run the runserver and use the testapp for visual testing:

$ poetry run django-admin runserver

Build this documentation

This is also done via Poetry:

$ poetry run mkdocs build  # Build docs
$ poetry run mkdocs serve  # Serve a development server with live reloads